2020 Highlights
- The All Hell Let Loose wargames rules by David Wasilewski were published! Available now from wargamevault.com
- I took my Arnhem game to York and Hammerhead. Wargames Illustrated put a picture of it in their magazine.
- I completed a model and game of Brécourt Manor.
- My eldest really loves going to wargames shows with me and building the occasional model. We are doing the lonely mountain for his geography homework.
- Built a model of a V1 Launch site
- Painted my early war Germans
- Ended the year rebuilding my enthusiasm for wargaming.
Passing Regrets
- That we were all locked down and I couldn’t attend more shows
- My father passing
- Having to take time out from the blog and my hobby for so long
- My eldest not finishing his first unit of British troops for the AWI.
2021 Hopes
- Get to any show any where.
- See respectable All Hell Let Loose sales.
- Exhibit at the Joy of Six, hopefully alongside my friend Roly and his Chateau la Londe game
- Engage my eldest son more and teach him some basic war games.
- Introduce my other son to wargaming and modelling.
- Continue to produce this blog
- Produce another model or two - nothing definite yet but hopefully the muse will strike
- Get back to some face to face gaming next see so many friends.