Saturday, December 29, 2018

First Post

Hello and welcome to the All Hell Let Loose blog!

The blog is mostly about 6mm wargaming and will be focussed for the moment on WW2.  Much of the content will support gaming with a set of rules created by Dave the Designer.

The rules called, All Hell Let Loose, are in the later stages of development and refinement and Dave hopes to publish them at some point in the next year. Specifically designed to represent miniature table top battles of World War II, using 6mm miniatures the rules allow players to fight large scale battles involving mutiple battalions or regiments up to divisional or larger forces. The rules recreate the feel of battles in the European theatre of operation, with a particular focus on the later war from 1943 onwards.

I’ll provide commentary on the battles we fight and occasionally post detailed scenarios for use with the rules.

I’ll also blog about some of the models and terrain I’ve built or am in the process of building and which will likely appear in the photos of the games we’ve played.


Charles the Modeller

Battle of Scarif - All Finished

So in my last post I said my next blogpost would be on building the citadel tower. Well I am so far behind in posting updates on my blog tha...