Monday, April 24, 2023

Imjin River Event - Soldiers of Gloucestershire Museum


I will be taking my River Imjin board and the game to the Soldiers of Gloucestershire Museum for a three day event this weekend the 29th April to the 1st May.

The game will be open to play to visitors to the museum and run amidst the memorabilia and artefacts of the Glosters in the heart of this fantastic Museum. If you are near Gloucester please head over to the museum and come and give this game a go.

I hope to run one day of the historic battle each day with the game concluding on Monday afternoon. Timings are a little bit tricky because of the variable nature of a game but I expect things to look something similar to this:

Saturday 29th April will cover 10pm 22nd April to 10am 23rd April 1951

11am Guy Temple's ambush at Gloster Crossing

12pm Chinese troops flood across the Imjin

1pm Chinese troops engage A and D coys on hills 148 and 182

2pm Hard fighting for hills 148 and 182, Chinese troops threaten Truell's guns

3pm Curtis' action for his VC, denouement of the battle for the hilltops

Sunday 30th April will cover 12pm 23rd April to 10am 24th April 1951

11am Retreat of survivors of A and D coys to hill 235, B coy establishing positions on hill 314

12pm Grist's mad dash and Chinese envelopment of Gloster position  and crossing the Imjin in daylight

1pm Chinese initial attacks on hill 314

2pm Chinese attacks on 314 intensify

3pm Survivors of B coy try to reach hill 235

Monday 1st May will cover 12pm 24th April to 12pm 25th April 1951

11am Relief column arrives!

12pm Ammunition run and final positions

1pm Chinese wave attacks on hill 235

2pm Chinese attacks intensify and Drum Major Buss plays everything except retreat

3pm Daylight brings airstrikes and a flying Boxcar attempts resupply.

Once the event finishes the board will stay on at the museum and will be on display in the Korea room to help the museum tell the story of the Glosters Epic last stand.

Keep the Dice Rolling

Charles the Modeller

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